Sleepless in the Saddle.
Sleepless in the Saddle.
My mate Mitchell Bryan and I have just entered this years Sleepless in the Saddle event at Catton Park, Derbyshire on August 4th & 5th 2012.
We are having a go at the 24 hour solo race which could prove quite challenging!
It looks like a lot of fun (apart from the pedalling for 24 hours bit!) and we are very excited about taking part in it.
Spectators are welcome, so if anyone fancies popping along to cheer us on feel free to come and give us some support (or abuse if you like!). We are looking for one or two very nice people to join us in a support team, if any of you lovely readers or friends are available and would like to stay awake for 24 hours to pass us food & drinks etc.
I think I had better increase my training again!
Wish us luck 🙂